Amplify Impact

The world is looking to research universities for solutions. Georgia Tech has earned a reputation for excellence in research, education, and economic development. Now, as we continue to define what it means to be a leading public technological university, we will amplify the impact our ideas and our graduates have in the world.


To embrace our power as agents of change for the public good and generate talent, ideas, and solutions with unmatched impact and scale to help define and address the most critical problems of our time, locally and globally, we will:

  • Be the nation's leading source of sought-after talent in technology-related fields at all career stages.
  • Be one of the nation’s most research-intensive academic institutions, recognized as a leading contributor to solving the most critical and complex challenges of our time.
  • Provide all students with transformative learning experiences to grow as creative, ethical, globally aware, technologically sophisticated leaders who can define and solve problems to improve the human condition.
  • Be an anchor institution, partner, and catalyst of sustainable development in our city and our state.
  • Elevate the application of Georgia Tech’s thought leadership by decision-makers in the public and private sectors, and the academic community.


Georgia Tech is redefining what it means to be a leading public technological research university in this new era, committed to empowering people of all backgrounds and to integrating our resources across disciplines to create a better future for our community — locally, nationally, and globally.


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  • Strategically develop and expand programs in response to emerging market needs.
  • Strategically expand research efforts in areas of high impact and growing national importance (including life sciences and biomedical research, artificial intelligence, rapid response design, and other emerging opportunities).
  • Align multidisciplinary research efforts to help address the most critical local and global challenges as articulated by the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Make experiential, problem-based service learning a signature of all academic and research programs.
  • Infuse STEM disciplines with arts, humanities, and social sciences; strengthen the curriculum in areas that support the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals; and create new multidisciplinary curricular pathways.
  • Adapt GTRI’s administrative structure to support its growth in impact and scale, and its synergistic collaboration with all Colleges.
  • Develop a regional network of collaborations to help define problems, mobilize resources, and engage students, faculty, and staff to amplify our impact on the sustainable human and environmental development of our local communities.
  • Through strategic communications, position Georgia Tech as a trusted public voice and convener that informs decision-makers in business, academia, and public policy on current and emerging issues of consequence.
  • Ensure that all students are prepared for career success and impact.