Cultivate Well-Being

Through a collaborative, holistic approach to campus health and well-being, we will create an inclusive environment where all our students and employees can flourish and be fulfilled. We will cultivate well-being by focusing on the total person — mental and physical health, growth, and opportunity.


To strengthen our culture of well-being and create an environment of holistic learning where all members of our community can grow and learn to lead healthy, purposeful, impactful lives, we will:

  • Embed a total person approach into every academic program with a focus on the holistic development and physical and psychological well-being of every student.
  • Strengthen access to well-being services and resources for all members of the Georgia Tech community.
  • Strengthen a culture of well-being and psychological safety among students, faculty, and staff.
  • Further integrate intercollegiate athletics into our campus life and local community, in the promotion of a culture of well-being.
  • Strengthen the visual and performing arts on our campus and facilitate access for all members of our community.

We will develop healthy and vibrant learning environments that support holistic learning and personal growth.

DramaTech students practice.

Students playing pool.


  • Create Institute-wide well-being metrics to monitor progress, solicit and act on student feedback, and identify and address issues that are barriers to student success and well-being.
  • Recognize and reward faculty for excellence in teaching and contributions to student well-being.
  • Expand and scale programs for physical, mental, and emotional well-being open to all students, faculty, and staff.
  • Expand, integrate, and strengthen curricular options to foster and support student well-being.
  • Expand opportunities for participation in visual and performing arts experiences.
  • Expand the total person philosophy to support overall success of student-athletes in every aspect of their lives.
  • Create a culture and built environment that is safe, accessible, and supportive for all members of the Georgia Tech community.
  • Identify and address the well-being needs of graduate, transfer, and nontraditional students.
  • Create initiatives to support and nurture the well-being of alumni.